Can I Pick My Own Design?

Requesting Design Direction

When you submit a CommReq, you are able to add information about your project in the description. Include any design direction such as colors, styles, etc. in the Design Direction section of the form.

You may also upload any photos as attachments to your CommReq at the bottom of the form. (When uploading these photos for printed pieces, the design team will evaluate the resolution to ensure they are suitable print quality.) 

Please note, that while all design direction will be taken under consideration, not all elements may be used. If the design direction field is left blank, you understand that design direction will be decided by our team.

In rare cases, the design team reserves the right to change your design based on branding guidelines, which can be found here.

How do I find design inspiration?

You can find design inspiration from a variety of sources. Our team recommends searching for ideas by going to

Please note that while our designers can use this as inspiration for their designs, but due to copyright, we are unable to replicate another designer’s work.

Where Do I Go to Find Pictures?

We can only use photos that are free to use or that we have paid for. Copyright is very strict on this issue, and Brentwood Baptist could be fined if we use anything without permission. There are some good websites that have royalty-free images, as well as some sites that we have accounts with to buy photos. You can submit a link or attach the picture to your CommReq. If we cannot use them for any reason, we will contact you.

Websites With Free Photos:

Websites To Buy Photos:

Using Google Images Can Cause Serious Problems!

The pictures on Google Images may not have a watermark or a price tag, but that doesn’t mean they’re up for grabs. Unless you know for certain otherwise, your safest bet is to assume that all the images you find on Google (or any other search engine) are protected by copyright law. This means that using them without permission could result in legal action against your practice.  The Internet is replete with stories of blogs and websites who infringed on copyright and found themselves in legal hot water as a result. Usually, the offenders are facing legal action over just a single photo. The number of images you use doesn’t matter. One stolen image is one too many, and the cost of infringement is steep, with bloggers and websites paying well into the thousands for photos that would have only cost them 20-40 dollars if they’d asked for and received permission first. Take a lesson from these cases. The price of infringement is simply not worth it!

Updated on January 19, 2022

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