Can I Post Designs or Videos That were Not Created by Comms on Social Media?

Can I post graphics or designs that were not created by Comms on social media?

You may want to create a graphic with text for sermon quotes, bible verses, engaging questions, etc. Canva is a good app for creating graphics with text. We like to stick with sans-serif fonts when possible. Here are some acceptable, free fonts: Open Sans, Lato, and Montserrat. You can also use fonts that come with certain apps—as long as they are sans-serif. This rule doesn’t apply to anything created by the Brentwood Communications Department staff, such as sermon graphics, special promotions, etc. When creating graphics for social, please stick to the brand and do not go too text-heavy.

Can I post videos that were not created by Comms on social media?

It is acceptable to post Facebook Live Videos or Instagram Story videos that were not created by the Comm Team. If you would like to post another form of video, please make sure that it has been approved by the Communications Department.

Graphics/videos can be taken down anytime by Comms.

If you need help or have questions, please email Dillon Sherlock. 


Updated on January 19, 2022

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